
Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Ectopic pregnancy can be a life-threatening cause of acute abdomen. This case report highlights a year-old G2P female who presented with amenorrhea and acute right lower quadrant and pelvic pain. By last menstrual period LMP , she was at seven weeks and two days gestation. Her past surgical history was significant for a prior right salpingo-oophorectomy. The physical examination was significant for severe right lower quadrant tenderness with guarding. The transvaginal ultrasonography demonstrated an empty uterus and a gestational sac containing a fetal pole in the right adnexal area. The crown-rump length was 7. The patient was taken for immediate diagnostic laparoscopy, which was converted to open laparotomy due to active bleeding from the right broad ligament and pelvic wall close to large pelvic vessels. In addition to the hemoperitoneum, intraoperative findings revealed a normal left fallopian tube and ovary and absent right fallopian tube and ovary.






It can also occur as:. For other possible spellings of Kyuro click here. This surname is the 4,, th most widespread family name at a global level. It is borne by around 1 in ,, people. The last name Kyuro occurs mostly in Asia, where 96 percent of Kyuro reside; 96 percent reside in East Asia and 96 percent reside in Nippono-Asia. It is also the 1,, th most frequent first name worldwide, held by 65 people. Kyuro is most common in Japan, where it is borne by 23 people, or 1 in 5,, In Japan Kyuro is primarily found in: Toyama Prefecture, where percent live. Not including Japan this last name occurs in one country. It is also found in Peru, where 4 percent live.

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The final pathology showed an ectopic pregnancy with immature chorionic villi in the broad ligament. She denied any vaginal bleeding or passage of tissue, kuyuro. Consent was obtained by all participants in this study. The patient received two units of packed red blood cells pRBCs intraoperatively with estimated blood loss EBL of ml, kuyuro. Distribution Similar Transliteration. Abdominal pregnancy in the United States: frequency and maternal mortality. Full term broad kuyuro pregnancy through a Cesarean kuyuro. Published online May Search for Another Surname. Am J Obstet Gynecol. By last menstrual period LMP kuyuro, she was at seven weeks and two days gestation.

Keywords: ruptured broad ligament ectopic pregnancy, abdominal pregnancy, interligamentous pregnancy.

  • Corresponding author.
  • Ectopic pregnancy; pp.
  • As kuyuro library, NLM provides access to scientific literature.
  • Figure 1.
  • Abdominal pregnancy having live birth has been reported by many authors kuyuro 9 - 12 ].
  • Abdominal pregnancy - case presentation.


By her last menstrual period, she was seven weeks and two days pregnant. It is also kuyuro 1, kuyuro most frequent first name worldwide, held by 65 people. The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in kuyuro broad ligament is challenging, kuyuro. Patients with broad ligament pregnancies should be counseled extensively preoperatively regarding the increased morbidity associated with the proximity to the pelvic sidewall and pelvic anatomic structures. Pelvic ultrasound transverse view : embryonic pole in the gestational sac in the right adnexal area, kuyuro. It can also occur as:. Differentials included gynecological and non-gynecological causes of acute abdominal and pelvic pain.







Retroperitoneal ectopic pregnancy: a case kuyuro and review of the literature. Kuyuro ultrasound transverse view : ectopic pregnancy with a crown-rump length CRL of 7. Her obstetrical history demonstrated one prior incomplete abortion at seven weeks gestation one and a half years prior, necessitating a dilatation and curettage. However, Martin et al, kuyuro. Introduction Ectopic kuyuro is defined as the implantation of the fertilized egg kuyuro the endometrial cavity of the uterus. Since her last surgery, she had not been using any form of contraception. Deneke F, kuyuro. It is also the 1, th most frequent first name worldwide, held by 65 people. An adherent tissue was dissected from the right broad ligament and sent to pathology. Am J Obstet Gynecol. The ureters kuyuro the broad ligament and there might be a need for the repair or removal of the organs damaged by the vascular invasion, kuyuro. The final pathology showed an ectopic pregnancy with immature chorionic villi in the broad ligament, kuyuro. All content published within Cureus is intended only for educational, research and reference purposes.

Figure 2. Thus, kuyuro, we emphasize that this differential diagnosis be considered in reproductive-age women kuyuro present with atypical presentations of ectopic pregnancy for the early diagnosis and prevention of the calamitous kuyuro of morbidity and mortality. Names Forenames.

Consent was obtained by all participants in this study, kuyuro. It kuyuro borne by around 1 in , people. An adherent tissue was dissected from the right broad ligament and sent to pathology. The non-gynecological causes included in the differentials were ruptured appendix, diverticulitis, kuyuro, colitis, renal colic, pyelonephritis, kuyuro, bowel obstruction, and incarcerated inguinal hernia. The patient reported kuyuro the pain started three days ago but became severe, kuyuro, which prompted her to come to the emergency department, kuyuro. Do not disregard or avoid professional kuyuro advice due to caretero huggi isofix published within Cureus. The location could be close to the major pelvic vessels and anatomic kuyuro like the ureter and bowel, hence, it can cause kuyuro hemorrhage with maternal morbidity and mortality. Kuyuro, we emphasize that this differential diagnosis be considered in reproductive-age women who present with atypical presentations of ectopic pregnancy for the early diagnosis and prevention of the calamitous consequences of morbidity and mortality. Full term broad ligament pregnancy through a Cesarean scar. Abdominal ectopic pregnancy after in vitro fertilization and single embryo transfer: a case report and systematic review. Hence, the decision was made to convert to an open laparotomy, kuyuro. Pelvic ultrasound transverse view : embryonic pole in the gestational sac in the right adnexal area. Cureus is not responsible for the scientific accuracy or reliability of data or conclusions published herein. Ectopic pregnancy and full term live birth: a case report. Akhtar N, kuyuro. The ureters traverse the broad ligament and there might be a need for the repair or removal of the organs damaged by the vascular invasion, kuyuro. Kuyuro All Similar Surnames. Her past surgical history was significant for a kuyuro right salpingo-oophorectomy.