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It is also the presence of these magic matrix before allowing the angels that gorgeous light Wings have a variety of effects. And so powerful fighting force. In one of the following seven bands battle. Both the super powers, magician or ancient weapons, not the angels opponent. And more than seven bands, the only ancient weapons to complete angels, super powers, and the magician can only Kankan tie Bale. Ancient Warrior also infuriating evolved by real dollars, in order to have such a strong fighting force. In addition to the Wings of Light, is the most important as an angel Angel Heart, the Fengyun core allows angel without fear of death, there is no clone angel! Angel Heart and do not just let the angels resurrected as a prop, iphone case angel or energy source, which contains a huge matchless pure energy does not say. You can also quickly absorb light energy around as a supplement, so Angel has a strong sustained combat capability. The Power Core cloning is crystalangel Angel, although containing no small energy and energy into light energy supplement around. I know you will, or what to say, Your Highness. But let me finish ; My supreme and only the second son of the king.

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